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How To Make JQuery Autocomplete Execute A Search() When User Hits Submit

As a follow on my from last post - How would I trim the input to a JQuery auto-complete box? . I decided to make a new question rather than to continue editing that one. I currentl

Solution 1:

You need to add the automated-choose-any-matching-result code in the change event.

Check my answer on your other question: jQuery autocomplete problem - doesn't match if user doesn't specifically select

Solution 2:

I have both answered my own question, and also discovered that search() doesn't work like I thought. I tried:

    <input id="Submit" name="Submit" type="Submit" class="Submit" value ="Submit" onclick="jQuery('#Resource').autocomplete('search');"/>

And discovered that a second before the form finishes submitting, the auto-complete box flashes up. Obviously search() just makes the auto-complete box do a normal search, not an automated-choose-any-matching-result search, which is what I was looking for.

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