CSS In Fluid 960 Grid System
Solution 1:
This solves the problem: "percentages in block elements are based on the width of their parents". So, even if our "alpha" and "omega" classes are also class "grid_5" or "grid_3" they take 5 or 3 columns out of 12 of their containers which are "grid_6" and NOT of their grand-parent, i.e. "container_12"; that's the big difference from the static template where the measurements are hold on pixels and have nothing to do with parents or grand-parents.
The above calculations should be considered proportionally: a "grid_6" with 1% margins left and right per grid in a-just happened-960px container = a total width of 6*60+5*20 = 460px or 47.916%*960/100 (where the width in the CSS2 box model is defined as border+padding+context and not the broken one of <=IE7 in quirks mode).
Taken the above result of 460px for a "grid_3" child we should measure 22.916%*460/100 = 105.41px and Chrome Developer Tools gives us almost that number as long we resize the window to reach a 960px "container_12"!
Rule of thumb: "the sum of grids in a sub-container should be equal to 12".
So, the above example should become:
<div class="grid_6 push_6">
<div class="grid_2 alpha">
<p>60, class = "grid_6 push_6" => class = "grid_2 alpha"</p>
<!-- end .grid_2.alpha -->
<div class="grid_10 omega">
<p>380, class="grid_6 push_6" => class="grid_10 omega"</p>
<!-- end .grid_10.omega -->
<div class="clear"> </div>
<div class="grid_6 alpha">
<p>220, class="grid_6 push_6" => class="grid_6 alpha"</p>
<!-- end .grid_6.alpha -->
<div class="grid_6 omega">
<p>220, class="grid_6 push_6" => class="grid_6 omega"</p>
<!-- end .grid_6.omega -->
See at jsbin.com.
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