Compare Index Of 2 Elements In A Collection
Issue : I have some issues figuring out a way to select elements in my HTMLDocument which are under a certain point in the page. In the following code sample, as you can see in th
Solution 1:
Untested but I would do something like this (assuming I understood you correctly)
Sub Tester()
Const S_MATCH As String = "td[width='100'][class='ListMainCent'][rowSpan='1'][colSpan='1']"
Dim e, tbl, bHit As Boolean
'load page etc
'get all the matching rows and cycle though them
For Each e In IEDoc.querySelectorAll(S_MATCH)
'did we get to the table of interest yet?
If Not bHit Then
Set tbl = e.ParentNode.ParentNode.ParentNode.ParentNode. _
If IsPartUsageTable(tbl) Then bHit = True
End If
If bHit Then
'we reached the table of interest, so
' do something with e
End If
End Sub
Function IsPartUsageTable(tbl) As Boolean
Dim e, rv As Boolean
For Each e In tbl.getElementsByClassName("SectionHead")
If Element.innerHTML = "Part Usage" Then
rv = True
Exit For
End If
IsPartUsageTable = rv
End Function
Solution 2:
Ok, so as unexpected as it sounds, I think I found a solution to my own question. I will confirm you that it works as soon as I have the possibility to run it with my colleague. So I keep point 1 and 2 from my initial post and I replaced point 3 with the following :
For i = 0 To IEDoc.getElementsByTagName("form")(0).getElementsByTagName("table").length
If IEDoc.getElementsByTagName("form")(0).getElementsByTagName("table")(i).ID = "Stop" Then
index_Part_Usage = i
Position_Part_Usage = index + 1
Exit For
End If
'MsgBox Position_Part_Usage
For i = 0 To IEDoc.getElementsByTagName("form")(0).getElementsByTagName("table").length
If IEDoc.getElementsByTagName("form")(0).getElementsByTagName("table")(i).className = "Bim" Then
index = i
Position = index + 1
If index > index_Part_Usage Then
For Each Element2 In IEDoc.getElementsByTagName("form")(0).getElementsByTagName("table")(i).querySelectorAll("td[width='100'][class='ListMainCent'][rowSpan='1'][colSpan='1']") ' Now we are in the table which contains the part numbers and we'll look for all the part numbers it contains by applying the queryselectorall again, but this time only in this specific table
array_parts2(iteration2) = IEDoc.getElementsByTagName("form")(0).getElementsByTagName("table")(i).querySelectorAll("td[width='100'][class='ListMainCent'][rowSpan='1'][colSpan='1']")(iteration2).innerHTML
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Cells(iteration2 + 1, 19) = array_parts2(iteration2)
iteration2 = iteration2 + 1
End If
End If
Next i
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