Inline Flex Container Width Not Growing
Consider the following layout:
testtest test test test test
Solution 1:
From this SO answer:
Bug affecting all major browsers, except IE 11 & Edge:
Just as you said - apparently flex-basis
is not respected in a nested flex container.
So your 100px
flex-basis from flex: 0 0 100px;
can't work properly (except ironically in IE 11 & Edge).
The workaround (also mentioned here) is to use width
instead of flex-basis
like so:
.div {
display: inline-flex;
background-color: lightgray;
.span1 {
width: 100px;
.span2 {
white-space: nowrap;
<divclass="div"><spanclass="span1">test</span><spanclass="span2">test test test test test</span></div>
You could use flex
instead of inline-flex
, but then your div
will be rendered like a block element i.e. it will take up the full width that's available rather than being confined to your content.
I assume you are using inline-flex
so that the background remains confined to the content.
Solution 2:
The 100px
you refer to in your current example refers to flex-basis
not the element width.
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