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Star Rating With Svg Catering For Decimal Point Rating

I have some code to create a star rating. I have not used SVG before and I can't figure out how to get it to do the following: Rating is out of 5 Display ratings with decimal pla

Solution 1:

Here is Fiddle with dots:

You can place a rectangle underneath masked elements. In this Fiddle, the rectangle is width=90, which is 90% (at very bottom).

<rectx="0"y="0"width="90"height="20"style="fill:#2498c7; mask: url(#mask5)"/>

Change the 90 to 55, for example, and the underlying fill will shrink width.

Warning: I scrapped this method, because it did not work well with 20+ instances in page. For example, when loading a grid of rated products, the ratings graphic would sometimes disappear in Chrome. JS methods were more reliable.

Solution 2:

You can adjust the <linearGradient> with some simple JS. Example below.

    document.getElementById("stop1").setAttribute("offset", fraction);
    document.getElementById("stop2").setAttribute("offset", fraction);

<svgheight="210"width="500"><polygonpoints="165.000, 185.000, 188.511, 197.361, 184.021, 171.180,
 203.042, 152.639,
 176.756, 148.820,
 165.000, 125.000,
 153.244, 148.820,
 126.958, 152.639,
 145.979, 171.180,
 141.489, 197.361,
 165.000, 185.000"style="stroke:red; fill:url(#g)"/><linearGradientid="g"x1="0"y1="0"x2="1"y2="0"><stopid="stop1"stop-color="#F00"offset="0.5"/><stopid="stop2"stop-color="#fff"offset="0.5"/></linearGradient></svg>

If you wanted to avoid JS, then you could create 11 different versions of the star (unfilled, 0.1, 0.2 ... 0.9, filled) and just include the correct one.

Solution 3:

Change the offset fields from 0 (unfilled) to 1 (filled) to move the rating.

Not sure why you're specifying red in two different ways or why you've slightly different offset values.

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