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Print Automatically Html File With Powershell

I want to print an html file to the default printer with powershell. So lets say I have the file c:\test.html with the text:

hello world&l

Solution 1:

get-content c:\test.html  | out-printer

Print to default printer.


if you need print rendered htlm page:

$ie = new-object -com "InternetExplorer.Application"$ie.Navigate("c:\test.html")

Edit after comments:

I can run this in a testprint.ps1 file:

$ie = new-object -com "InternetExplorer.Application"$ie.Navigate("c:\test.html")
while ( $ie.busy ) { Start-Sleep -second 3 }
while ( $ie.busy ) { Start-Sleep -second 3 }

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